The Naked Rain Experience

12 | A Nice Guy, Darkly

Stan Rain & Tim Neal Season 2 Episode 12

"Sometimes I think all I want to find is a mean guy and make him be nice to me. Or maybe a nice guy who's a little bit mean to me. But they're usually too nice too soon, or too mean too long."

~Carrie Fisher

Some say nice guys finish last.  Others say that nice guys are running a different race, and that nice guys are the tortoises in a world where being a hair is a guilty want among all men.  Here is the quandary: if being a nice guy is so good, why are nice guys never nice to themselves?  If you can't give yourself love, how in the world can you give it to someone else?  Maybe… Nice guys, as people sling that slur, aren't so nice after all.  For your consideration...

In this episode, we're talking about what it means to be a "nice guy".  And if you identify as one, we talk about why and how you may want to consider evolving into your true greatness and power, so you can give your light like never before!  Men's Transformational Coach Tim Neal is my guest, and we dissect this idea of the behavioral virus: "Nice Guy Syndrome".  We both talk about our experiences, including personal identifications with it, as well as our experiences in helping other people through this not-so-nice behavioral parasite.

We do talk a lot of testosterone, and there's plenty of gold for women in this discussion, too.  People-pleasing -- a hallmark of being a "nice guy" -- is universal to everyone; and so are the healing techniques we can all employ.  Our goal is for everybody to become more self-actualized and self-empowered.

Leveling up, expanding, and becoming more aware all require us to look in the mirror, and see the darkness within us that may unconsciously be running us.  There is a lot we will not like, and we don't have to.  Once we accept all of that for which we are shamed, then we unleash our ultimate potential, and no one can hold anything over our heads again.  This is how you regain and keep your power.  And what a gift to the world this is, for you to be in your truest and highest power.  Yeah, buddy, let's go!

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Follow Tim Neal on Instagram | @timneal_menscoach
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Recorded, Edited and Produced by
Rain Soundworks