The Naked Rain Experience

6 | Reframing Our Past

Stan Rain & Astrid Spencer Season 1 Episode 6

"If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."

~ Wayne Dyer

Your imagination is powerful.  It can shift your perspective and change your reality.  Whether you're aware of it, or not.  Why not take advantage of knowing its power, and create the life of your dreams?

Astrid Spencer, Clinical and Metaphysical Hypnotherapist, joins us this week to take us on a trip through inner space, temporal shifts, and shattering our limiting beliefs using the power of our imaginations.  Is our past really ancient history?  Is our past really impossible to change?  The answer may surprise you.  While the sheer complexity of our minds may seem like a hindrance to healing from past hurts, we can actually use it to our advantage and trick our minds into reprogramming how we interface with our histories.  Astrid will explain how hypnotherapy can help you shift your perspective on your past.  Plus, she has an amazing breakthrough session at the end!

WARNING: There is a meditation session towards the end of the show.  Please do not close your eyes or allow yourself to fall into a trance while operating motor vehicles or machinery.  Please be responsible.

Episode Resources (Astrid's Official Website)

Gate of Possibilities Meditaton (Astrid's Gift)

The World of Naked Rain

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@StanTheOldFashionedMan (Stan's Instagram) (Stan's email) (Official Website)